Bioremediation – Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop: Main Works Package 1 – Special Site Investigation Works (In-situ Trial of Sediment Treatment Works in Shenzhen River) and Laboratory Testing
The project is implemented to the proposed development of Lok Ma Chau Loop for establishing the relationship between Acid Volatile Sulphides (AVS) reduction percentage and odour removal efficiency through a series of in-situ trials of bioremediation treatment works within the designated areas in Shenzhen River. The bioremediation treatment and associated works to be conducted under this project included clearing of seabed, optimization trials, bioremediation treatment of sediment by chemical injection, odour and sediment quality monitoring and water quality monitoring.
Decontamination – Kai Tak Approach Channel and Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter
The works involved sediment dredging and injection of chemicals into the sediment, to neutralize the odorous substances and reduce the offensive smells. The key benefits of bioremediation treatment are that it reduces the environmental and social impact to a minimum. The results showed that bioremediation was a feasible solution as on average 95% of acid volatile sulphides, an indicator of odour generation were removed.
Soil Vapor Extraction and Biopiling-Decommissioning of the former Kai Tak Airport other than the north apron
Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport began decommissioning and decontamination works since 1998, it aims to remove and treat underground volatile organic compounds (VOCs), heavy metals and Total petroleum Hydrocarbon(TPH) at the south apron of the former Kai Tak Airport by using Biopiling and Solidification . During remediation, the contaminated soils should be excavated from the excavation zones and then transported to preferably a centralized decontamination works area on site for treatment by biopiling and solidification / stabilization.
NENT Landfill LFG Management System, Hong Kong
OWTI support NENT landfill in Ta Kwu Ling throughout project design, installation and commissioning of Landfill gas(LFG) recovery and utilize landfill gas for energy production. The current uses include generate electricity for use in on-site infrastructures and power the leachate treatment facilities. We have also developed and provided operator training courses and consulted or provided O&M support on numerous landfill sites throughout the Asia Pacific region.